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Trans-Resveratrol: A unique molecule for a healthy heart & healthy ageing

Trans-Resveratrol: A unique molecule for a healthy heart & healthy ageing

Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death worldwide, making cardiovascular health a top priority. As individuals seek ways to remain healthy as they age rather than solely focusing on reversing the aging process, promoting healthy aging has become an important trend. One supplement showing promise in both supporting heart health and healthy aging is trans resveratrol. Trans resveratrol has been shown to have potential cardioprotective benefits and appears to impact cellular pathways related to ageing.

What is trans resveratrol?

Trans resveratrol is a natural compound found in certain plants such as grapes, peanuts, and berries. It is a polyphenol antioxidant that may provide health benefits as a dietary supplement. As a compound thought to contribute to the 'French Paradox' phenomenon of high saturated fat intake accompanied by low coronary heart disease mortality, trans-resveratrol has drawn significant research interest worldwide. Various epidemiological studies have evaluated the relationship between trans-resveratrol consumption and human health outcomes. Research indicates trans-resveratrol supplementation may support cardiovascular health and aspects of ageing [1].

The health benefits of trans resveratrol supplements

Resveratrol has been shown to provide numerous health benefits through its interaction with various biological targets. Specifically, trans resveratrol has the ability to modulate a wide variety of molecular pathways by directly binding to and influencing multiple proteins, genes, and cellular processes within the human body. Through its interactions with such a diverse target profile, resveratrol is able to exert pleiotropic effects that impact many aspects of human health and wellness. Further research continues to elucidate the full scope of resveratrol's therapeutic potential and the complex mechanisms underlying its multi-targeted pharmacological activities [3, 7].

How trans resveratrol supports heart health

Several studies have demonstrated trans resveratrol's potential for improving heart health through various mechanisms:

1. By enhancing circulation and cholesterol levels, trans resveratrol may help reduce long-term heart disease risk. A study on 71 individuals with dyslipidemia found resveratrol supplementation significantly decreased total cholesterol and triglycerides [4].

2. Trans resveratrol possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It acts as a potent free radical scavenger, neutralizing free radicals that can damage cells. Resveratrol also inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokine production and increases anti-inflammatory factors, reducing overall inflammation—a key risk factor for heart disease [5, 6].

3. Trans resveratrol may prevent blood clot formation by raising nitric oxide levels in the blood and inhibiting platelet aggregation. Decreasing factors involved in clotting can lower heart attack and cardiovascular event risk [7, 8].

4. Trans resveratrol appears to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow, both important for heart health. As a vasodilator, it helps relax vessels and lower blood pressure. Enhanced vascular function and circulation over the long term may reduce hypertension and heart disease risk [9, 10].

Overall, resveratrol shows promise as a natural supplement for supporting cardiovascular wellness through multiple mechanisms validated by science.

How trans resveratrol supports healthy ageing

Resveratrol activates certain genes linked to the aging process known as sirtuins. Activation of these genes may lead to an extended lifespan and provide protection against some age-related diseases [11]. Research has shown resveratrol may help enhance mitochondrial function [12]. Mitochondria are the power generators within cells that produce energy. Healthy mitochondria are essential for vitality as one ages.

Chronic inflammation has been associated with the aging process and disease. Resveratrol acts as an anti-inflammatory compound, which may help reduce inflammation throughout the body. Lowered inflammation can help decrease the risk of age-related diseases and support healthy ageing.

The available research suggests trans resveratrol supplementation may provide meaningful cardiovascular and healthy ageing benefits. Given the apparent upside potential and minimal side effect profile, incorporating trans resveratrol into a health regimen could be a wise and prudent consideration. For best outcomes, we recommend using a high-purity trans resveratrol product and combining supplementation with a nutritious diet and regular physical activity. You have everything to gain and little to lose by adding this unique molecule trans-resveratrol to your regimen.


1. ŞENER, BİLGE, et al. 'Resveratrol: A Double-Edged Sword in Health Benefits.' BIOMEDICINES 6.3 (2018).Meng, Xiao, et al. 'Health benefits and molecular mechanisms of resveratrol: a narrative review.' Foods 9.3 (2020): 340.

2. Kuršvietienė, Lolita, et al. 'Multiplicity of effects and health benefits of resveratrol.' Medicina 52.3 (2016): 148-155.

3. Meng X, Zhou J, Zhao CN, Gan RY, Li HB. Health Benefits and Molecular Mechanisms of Resveratrol: A Narrative Review. Foods. 2020 Mar 14;9(3):340. doi: 10.3390/foods9030340. PMID: 32183376; PMCID: PMC7143620.

4. Simental-Mendía, Luis E., and Fernando Guerrero-Romero. 'Effect of resveratrol supplementation on lipid profile in subjects with dyslipidemia: A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.' Nutrition 58 (2019): 7-10.

5. Shoura, Seyyed Morteza Seyyed, et al. 'Can resveratrol supplementation affect biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress? An umbrella meta-analysis.' Journal of Functional Foods 99 (2022): 105360.

6. Gal, Roland, et al. 'The effect of resveratrol on the cardiovascular system from molecular mechanisms to clinical results.' International journal of molecular sciences 22.18 (2021): 10152.

7. Xia, Ning, Ulrich Förstermann, and Huige Li. 'Resveratrol and endothelial nitric oxide.' Molecules 19.10 (2014): 16102-16121.

8. Giordo, Roberta, et al. 'Therapeutic potential of resveratrol in COVID-19-associated hemostatic disorders.' Molecules 26.4 (2021): 856.

9. Gordish, Kevin L., and William H. Beierwaltes. 'Resveratrol induces acute endothelium-dependent renal vasodilation mediated through nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species scavenging.' American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 306.5 (2014): F542-F550.

10. Li, Huige, et al. 'Resveratrol and vascular function.' International journal of molecular sciences 20.9 (2019): 2155.

11. Zhao, Lijun, et al. 'Sirtuins and their biological relevance in aging and age-related diseases.' Aging and disease 11.4 (2020): 927.



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